Week 46 - Finishing up our last project
Finishing up our last assignment - VR Week 46 This is our last week on our final assignment(at least that's what we hope). Last week, we ran into multiple issues. As our 'flying' physics is based on teleporting a certain distance depending on the distance between the body of the player and the hands, controlling the speed of 'flight' we have the problem that we can 'fly' thru buildings with boxes colliders attached to them and also we could not get the ball throwing physics to work as we do not have anywhere to throw the ball from basically as our character does not have any collider attached to it. This week we mostly concentrated on gettings minigames into our world. The best minigame we implemented is fighting dementors using a magic wand. We made it so that wherever you are on the map you can press a button on the right controller and you get teleported to the entrance of Hogwartz where the dementor-killing minigame starts....