Week 43 - Finishing up VR assignmnent

  Finishing up VR assignmnent & Presenting it

Week 43

This week, right after our vacation we decided that our project is not as complex as we wanted and we settled down on making more moving targets that pop down from the ceiling after you hit the last one. Also, we fixed the 'axe not sticking to a target' bug again as we ran into this issue more often.

On Thursday we had to present our game in VR like Meta's Horizon. We logged in using AltSpaceVR as we do not own VR headsets. We had some issues as the controls for it were not that interactive and we had issues with the microphone but any new things have kinks to be ironed out. We sympathize with the Meta employees who have to do all their meetings in this kind of environment as it is still in its early stages.

Link to updated demo(Audio is quite quiet so turn up the volume): https://youtu.be/rwvSpKTJC5Y

GitHub Link: https://github.com/XRD-X1/A3-VR-Knifes-Throwing?fbclid=IwAR1DXPCa9umU1zO3iHppwgObh9iMVcB-Z3h0X5GIcPrEGu3C9CoOz1Qs3dk

After presenting our projects and the teacher introduced us to the last assignment on which we chose what technologies we use and theme. We decided that we are going to go with VR as the most fun game we made is the Knife/Axe trowing game in VR that we are still playing at the time of writing as it is so fun. We think that we are going to stick with the controller control instead of handtracking as we tried to get handtracking to work and ran into multiple issues even on a Meta Quest 2.

Author: Mircea Dobre


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