Personal reflection - Patrik Horny 293112
Personal reflection - Patrik Horny 293112 Vuforia Working on a first project using Vuforia was not the best experience. On the positive side, if there is enough of light, the tracking of the image target works well. I was also surprised how straightforward to make nested object appear without any other configuration after just making it a child object. On the other hand, the setting up the project took the most time and at last the whole build process which gave us the most headaches. Making the game work was relatively easy but took some time to find a working script to make the gyroscope work. The implementation of the game function was straightforward. First, we check if the system supports the gyroscope. If yes, then each frame the rotation of the phone is checked and based on that the field is tilting. The major disadvantage of Vuforia is that it is kind of restrictive given it’s marked based, so we don’t have full control over the app. Main contribution - ...